How Spinal Decompression Therapy Can Heal Your Pain?

Many people get scared of the term ‘Spinal Decompression Therapy’. They think that the session will be tortuous with it. Actually, it is an advanced form of spinal traction and gives results quickly. If you’re looking for effective treatment for herniated disc in Massachusetts, consider Spinal Decompression Therapy.

This new therapy offers non -invasive way to get rid of neck pain, back pain, and the other muscle strains. Some of these are:

Facet syndrome

Degenerative disc disease

Bulging or herniated disc

Post-surgical discomfort

Sciatica pain that goes down the leg and extends to the buttocks

Spinal stenosis occurs when open spaces within your spine gets narrowed. This narrowing exerts pressure on nerves and spinal cord.

The therapy decompresses facet joints and spinal discs to alleviate pain. Though many chiropractic clinics are still using the traditional method, yet you should look for clinics offering the advanced decompression therapy to get results within a quick turnaround time.


Traditional Decompression Vs. Advanced Decompression

Pressure is used steadily in the old-school method. Sometimes, the muscle contractions are uncomfortable.

Advanced therapy uses pressure variations to relieve pain.

Approximately, 50, 000 patients FDA approved therapy to get the desired results. As per a recent study, 86% patients observe immediate relief from their issues. 84% patients underwent 90sessios to overcome their pain completely with the advanced method.

How Spinal Decompression Therapy Works?

Body positioning, traction and distraction are the principles this therapy relies on. Spinal Decompression Therapy for back pain works amazingly and makes you feel relaxed during the entire session. All you have to do is to just lie on the table. A support system will be attached to you to stabilize the body. After that, the system will start adjusting itself to heal the painful areas. No external aid is required during its adjustment.

The therapy will create an anti-gravity effect on your spine. As a result, the herniated disc will begin to shift the original position. Most of the times, the duration of each session lies somewhere between 30-40 minutes. Generally, the session is painless creating a gentle pulling-like sensation.

Depending on the severity of the patients condition, the number of sessions is determined. Chiropractors examine the patient’s physical condition completely before starting the therapy. Within a few sessions many patients overcome their pain completely while others require a little bit more time.

The Bottom Line

The advanced form of decompression therapy can heal a wide range of conditions. If you want to get treatment for back pain in Lowell, go to Central Street Chiropractic. They use the advanced form of decompression method to relieve pain. To book your appointment, visit


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