How effective is chiropractic treatment for neck pain

Chiropractic treatment is administered either with hand or with the assistance of other instruments to treat several forms of pain. They can be any form of chronic or acute pain, headaches, neck pain, and many others. These forms of pains can be caused due to various reasons and hence, chiropractic care is applied to treat the causes rather than relieving the symptoms. As a result of this, they are known to have shown long-lasting results. You can consult chiropractors in Lowell to receive treatment for your neck pain.

Chiropractic care for neck pain

Causes of Neck Pain

Neck pain is the most common form of pain experienced by people and various factors are responsible for it. The general causes associated with neck pain are discussed below-

Accidents and injury – One of the most common causes of neck pain is whiplash. Though mostly, car accidents are responsible for whiplash, however, there are other factors responsible as well. When a person experiences any form of sudden forced movement of the head or neck in any direction, the sudden bounce in the opposite direction is called whiplash. This sudden movement can injure the tissues surrounding the head and neck. As a result, they can experience pain and stiffness in the neck. Severe forms of whiplash can also injure the disc, muscles, ligaments, the spinal joints, etc. Chiropractic treatment for auto injuries in Lowell is available to provide relief to the neck pain.

Old age – Certain disorders associated with old age such as osteoarthritis, degenerative disc disease, etc can also affect the condition of the spine. While osteoarthritis is a joint disorder, degenerative disc reduces the elasticity and height of spinal discs.

Other factors – Factors such as poor sleeping, sitting or standing posture, and obesity can often disrupt the spinal balance. As a result of this, the neck might bend forward to adjust. This form of postural stress can cause chronic neck pain which might spread to the upper back and arms. Additionally, any form of emotional stress can also cause tightness in muscles which can further cause neck pain.

Diagnosis of neck pain

As mentioned earlier, chiropractic care aims to treat the causes of neck pain to provide long-term relief. For this purpose, the chiropractors including Massachusetts chiropractors conduct various forms of health exams to identify the causes.

Physical exam – The doctors will check the curvature and alignment of the spine, posture, shoulders, and the type of movement that is causing pain in the patients.

Neurological exam – The doctors will also check the changes in the nerves, overall reflexes, strength of the muscle, etc.

Other tests – While an x-ray can reveal fractures, arthritis, narrowed space between discs, a CT scan or MRI will help in detecting bulging and herniated discs. If the doctors suspect that damage has been caused to the nerves, they might ask you to get an electromyography or EMG test done to check the response of the nerves.
The doctors of Chiropractic (DC) follow the conventional method of treatment that does not involve the use of drugs or surgery. Hence, if you experience any serious condition such as neck fracture or any underlying organic disease that is beyond the scope of chiropractic treatment, they will recommend the appropriate healthcare professionals accordingly. They might also suggest you inform your family physician about the chiropractic care you are receiving to ensure that both forms of treatment are properly aligned.

Neck Pain Treatment

Chiropractic Treatment for neck pain

Depending on the causes of the neck pain, sometimes, chiropractors might need to apply a combination of various techniques to treat your neck pain. The various types of treatment methods used by the chiropractors are discussed in this section.

Spinal manipulation

This form of treatment helps in relieving the pressure on joints, reduce inflammation and improve the function of the nerves. Some of the common spinal manipulation treatments are

Specific spinal manipulation – It involves the thrusting technique to restore the movement of the joints.

Flexion-distraction technique – It involves a pumping action on the spinal disc

Instrument assisted manipulation – It uses a hand-held instrument to apply force into the spine.

Manual therapies

The various forms of manual therapies that a chiropractor might use to treat neck pain are

Trigger point therapy – It helps in relieving the tightness in muscles

Instrument-assisted soft tissue therapy – It uses certain special instruments to relieve muscle tension.

Therapeutic Massage – It also helps in relaxing the muscles

Manual joint stretching and resistance technique – It is used to reduce the pain in the neck.

Other forms of chiropractic care

The other means of treatment used to provide relief to the neck pain are

Inferential electrical stimulation – This form of treatment uses an electric current of low frequency to stimulate the neck muscles.

Laser therapy – It involves the application of specific wavelengths of laser rays to ease the neck pain. You can undergo laser therapy in Lowell for your neck pain.

Therapeutic exercise – Depending on your health conditions, chiropractors might suggest different forms of exercises to improve your flexibility and speed up the healing process.

These are some of the common chiropractic treatment for neck pain. Depending on the result of your diagnosis, the chiropractors will determine the possible treatment suitable for you.

Studies related to chiropractic care

Various studies have been conducted to check the effectiveness of chiropractic treatment for neck pain. In a review of scientific literature, evidence showed that patients experiencing chronic neck pain have shown significant improvement after undergoing spinal manipulation treatment.

Another study published in the Annals of Internal Medicine in 2012 funded by the National Institutes of Health was conducted to check the effectiveness of various treatment approaches for neck pain. 272 participants were segregated into three groups – one receiving spinal manipulative therapy (SMT), another receiving pain medication and another exercise recommendation. After 12 weeks, around 57 who have received SMT and 48 percent who have practiced exercise reported a reduction in pain almost by at least 75 percent in comparison to 33 percent who received pain medication in the form of over the counter pain reliever, muscle relaxants, and narcotics. After a year, around 53 percent of the participants in the drug-free groups continued to report a 75 percent reduction in their pain whereas participants relying on pain medication reported 38 percent of the reduction in pain.

In the same year, the ‘Spine' journal published research where it was founded that back pain and neck pain are the most prevalent health conditions that receive chiropractic consultation. Additionally, the majority of the patients also admitted that chiropractic care has not only helped them in dealing with these health conditions but also improved their overall health and well being.

Therefore, from the above discussion, it could be stated that chiropractic treatment is the most effective way for treating neck pain.


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